Tuesday 9 March 2010

Down to Business

Er... Left 4 Dead 2 is business, isn't it? And Final Fantasy XIII?

Yeah, having acquired these two games in the past 12 hours, my free time today was not very code-producing. I read a bit of my book during downtime in school, but the only snippet I've managed to add to my code was connecting the MatEditLine (previously described, still lacking the appropriate button sizing (in my opinion)) to a specified character in the material code. And heck, even that's not complete because it's a one-time linkup rather than a constantly-updating link (for the moment--that's a small thing to change).

I imagine tomorrow will be similarly... unproductive, but should have some sort of progress, like usual. It won't take me more than a few days to get back to programming as much as I have been up to now. Oh well, for now, it's bed-time (or maybe time to observe Final Fantasy... I'm not quite sure.)

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