Wednesday 10 March 2010

Another Link in the Chain

So I've linked all of the characters to their own characters. In other words, I'm nearly done with the matcode piece for now.

I think next step after this is work on some of my data-storing classes. I'm working on thinking out the different things that will go into the management of an empire. A lot of what's to come isn't very graphical in nature, but, hey, it needs to be done for progress to be made.

I'm thinking an interface for sim-based objects, abstract classes for spatial bodies, for military values, for whatever else I can come up with. Non-abstract classes will then flesh out the specifics. I'm also trying to decide how best to organize the data within the classes. For now, though, I've still  got a while to go before I get to that having an effect.

Did I mention L4D 2 is a lot of fun? Oh, and FFXIII too. Lack of significant progression can certainly be attributed to the presence of these distractions. Fun times, these.

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