Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Compartmentalization, Encapsulation, and Isolation, oh my!

I've been focusing a lot on these inheritance features today. I know, for instance, that I can create a class Planet, and that I can also create a class Moon extends Planet, so that the two are differentiated in name but don't need repetitive coding. I've been considering the pros and cons of making all of the attributes I've taken to calling low-level attributes (a planet's name, for exmaple... the things that the object stores that don't reference other objects) implement a custom interface.

Time for some explaining? I think so. In Java, a class (known as a child or a subclass) can extend another class (known as a parent or a superclass). This means that, unless an underlying method in the child overrides the parent's method (this is done simply by creating a method in the child with the same name as the parent's method), the methods defined in the parent are equally as applicable to the child. In the case of class Planet and class Moon extends Planet, as above, the method getSize() would return a number representing the planet's diameter, and would do the same for a Moon even without explicitly rewriting the code.

Now on to implementing interfaces. An interface is an abstract class, which means that it cannot be used directly. Instead, when a class implements an interface, everything written into that interface MUST be overridden by the new class. If I have attributes, to use the example above, which all have different variables within them (say, a description attribute holds text describing the object, an armor attribute holds a value representing the armor's strength), I can create an interface that defines getType() and getValue() as methods that MUST be overridden, therefore making the attributes universal in structure.

A Java class can extend only one parent lass, but can be extended by infinitely many children. A Java class can implement as many interfaces as it wishes, so long as all of the underlying methods are overridden. Because of the way these two aspects of "inheritance" work, they are known as two related but separate pathways of defining a new class. By making a new class a child of a parent class, you are inheriting behavior. That is to say, all of the 'hows' in the class are defined by the parent class, except for the occasional overriding method or additional method. By having a new class implement an interface, you are inheriting structure, because the layout of the new class must match the interface, but the specific algorithms used are specific to the new class.

There's my brief lecture on Java's inheritance. That out of the way, I haven't done coding work today, seeing as I instead attended a showing of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (that's right, the original) at the University. I did get a lot of (additional) thinking in and I realized one of the shortcomings in the current embodiment of the interpreter I showed yesterday. I have a button that is specialized for the window I showed you, not one I can place into just any window I place the graphic into. This also means that when I go to make a more capable "administrator" version that allows me to generate material codes on-the-fly, I'll have to completely reprogram that button.

Instead I can use some nifty features of Java's by including a specialized button subclass into the class that creates the material graphic. This subclass would be inherently tied to the material graphic that the button updates, and wouldn't require any coding except placement in the larger window.

Overall this would greatly increase the capabilities of the materials panel I've made, as well as the capabilities of any future classes I make. I consider this Compartmentalization (and I think the textbooks agree with me) because it means that any frame that uses the MatCodeInterpreter will, without extra work, be able to add the necessary buttons and fields to manipulate it.

I think tomorrow will see me working on making that a reality.

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