Tuesday 23 February 2010

The Platypus: Object-Oriented Programming Primer

So, about that material decoder. Maybe tomorrow? I didn't have time for much coding today, but I have done some reading. Platty Pat apparently has been given the name Phyl by the author, but I like Platty Pat better so I'm sticking with it.

So what is Object-Oriented programming, anyway? According to this book (I need to give credit where it's due, so the book in question is: "Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with Java" by Timothy Budd. ISBN: 0-321-21174-X for my particular version), it's all about creating code in sections, called objects, which are essentially independent. Each object has its own responsibilities and its own way of accomplishing the tasks set out for it. In principle, there should be only a couple of interconnections between objects, and objects should be reusable from project to project without major restructuring. The program should also be separated such that major feature changes (graphical updates or saving to a different format or what-have-you) should only take updating one or two of the objects, as the other objects don't rely on what's in the other things, but what comes out of them.

I've been reading a bit about the class-oriented nature of Java, which, as I've said in the past, is the biggest part of what the book is about, and the biggest thing about Java I feel I need to understand more clearly. It's the reason there's a platypus on the cover of the book, because if you extend the class structure to real life, the platypus 'extends' the 'class' mammal but 'overrides' some 'methods,' primarily birthing. Anyway, basically a convenient metaphor that sums up a lot of the features of class-oriented programming.

Right now they're going through the design process behind it all, and it certainly is a lot different than what I've done so far--a kind of disappointing fact considering most of the books I've studied have been based around Java, so it would have been nice if it had started with Object-Oriented facets of the language. That said, given my as-yet limited experience with programming, it shouldn't be hard to switch to their methodology, which definitely seems like it would help.

It's interesting stuff and it's something I'm definitely going to take into consideration. Especially on account of the conversation I had today with a friend about my plans for the Simulation. He feels it'd be better for both sides if the administrator was cut out, to save time and all. I'm still intent on allowing complete customization though, which can't be done without the administrator. If I properly program this, I should be able to pretty easily try both. So I guess that's one of my new goals for the project. Keep in mind that one of my favorite things about PC games, and the reason I prefer them to console games a lot of times, is the fact that they can be modified. Mods can extend the life of a game quite astonishingly, and the customization is a key selling point to me. That's probably why I'm so set on making the simulation with the administrator-figure.

Also I managed to stumble upon Google Code, a resource for developers. Apparently a ton of Google's stuff is available for use by independent coders like myself. I might have a go at it sometime, but for now it's conveniently filed away that if I ever have a project that could take advantage of it, it's there to be used.

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